Role Security
Note: Depending on your access rights to OrangeCRM, some of the options and views listed below may vary. See Security and Access and Revisions.
The Role Security option on the Main Menu: Home will bring up a list of all current Access Control List Roles, or ACL Roles. Below is an example of an ACL Role List. There are 33 roles available to be selected.
From this list you can look at any current ACL role description. Double clicking on the role will bring up the ACL record, as seen below.
ACL Roles
An Access Control List Role, or ACL Role, is a document that is attached to a User Record. Attaching an ACL Role to a User Record enables the security that is associated with that specific ACL Role to transfer to the user. See User Security
For example, 'MenuCustomer' grants access to the main customer menu. Attaching 'MenuCustomer' to an ACL user's profile will enable access the Customer drop down menu. Below is an example of what an ACL Role looks like.
ACL Roles have a description of what they grant access to, or what ability they enable the user to perform. This is seen in the Description field.
The Notes area under the General Information Tab may contain any further information about this ACL, or further detail about what it does.
The Users Tab contains a list of all User Records that have this ACL Role attached to them.
New ACL Roles are created by system administrators only. To have a ACL Role changed or a new ACL Role created, contact your system administrator or the providers of this software.
Lists of Available Roles
Here is a list of the available roles that are built into OrangeCRM and their descriptions:
Security Profile Recommendations
Below is a Screenshot of the recommended Security Profile roles for six different user accounts. They can be customized to fit your company's needs by adding or removing any roles as required.
To edit or create other ACL (access control list) Users:
Go to Home Menu>User Security
Click on Create ACL user button
Click on the Chooser Icon (Eyeglasses)
Select one of the six profile roles that appear and add more or less roles as needed
Save the record – Exit User Security (The screen will refresh after you exit)
Go back to the Home menu and into User Security to see the changes.