Documentation Downloads

Listed below you will find links to several helpful support documents available for download. Simply click on the blue hyperlink to view the document and download in PDF format.


OrangeCRM Specifications

Fulfillment Response File Spec

OrangeCRM's fulfillment response file specifications.


Lead File Spec

OrangeCRM's lead file specifications.


OrangeCRM API Implementation Guide

OrangeCRM's API specifications.


Business Intelligence API Implementation Guide

OrangeBI's API specifications.


Instruction Manuals

CSR Trainer's Manual

OrangeCRM training documentation designed for managers who are training CSRs.


CSR Functions Manual

OrangeCRM training documentation for CSRs.


Quick Setup Guide

OrangeCRM training documentation designed strictly for CRM administrators performing the back-end setup. Provides step by step instructions for a basic OrangeCRM configuration.


OrangeTask/IssueBreeze CSR Training Manual

Training Documentation for CSRs who use the OrangeTask/IssueBreeze ticketing system.

Other Helpful Documents

Merge Tags for Visual Editor Fulfillments

A list of merge tags available for use in Visual Editor fulfillments, along with output descriptions and field locations per record type (Example: Address tab of customer record).


Merge Tags for Email, OrangeTask & Web Site Post Fulfillments

A list of merge tags available for use in Email, OrangeTask and Website Post fulfillments, along with output descriptions and field locations per record type (Example: Address tab of customer record).


Field Search Terms and Descriptions

A list of official field search terms by record type for basic and advanced searches.


Supported Payment Gateways 

A list of payment gateways supported by OrangeCRM.


Manual Bank Processing Guide

OrangeCRM's implementation guide for banks that require manual processing.


Landing Page Integration With OrangeCRM

A chart outlining the workflow of the integration between your website's landing page and OrangeCRM.