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An Upsell is a secondary sale in addition to a primary sale already made, or in other words, an add-on sale. The Upsell process creates a customer record for the main product sold and then creates additional records for all other products or programs. This may create a new record in the CRM itself, or if the Upsell is offered by a third party, it may create a record for this third party and batch it out to them.
Customer Upsells in OrangeCRM are records of customers that can be sold as potential leads to other companies. The process of creating a Customer Upsell record involves capturing the customer's contact information externally and posting a new Customer Upsell record to OrangeCRM via the API.
The customer upsell record can be seen below.
To create a new Master Upsell click the New Upsell button from the Upsell List page.
Select the status for the Upsell to be marked as after it processes.
Upsells are per-program, so select the program you would like this Upsell to belong to.
The name you would like to call the Upsell
Date Active
Date that Upsell will become Active
File Name
This is a name stamped to files created by the Upsell. As there may be more than one type of Upsell, you should try to make this title as descriptive as possible.
Field Delimiter
The character you would like to use as a delimiter for the spreadsheet files created by the Upsell.
Tag ID Char
The tag used to mark the ID.