Transactions: Summary By Account Code

Note: Depending on your access rights to OrangeCRM, some of the options and views listed below may vary. See Security and Access and Revisions.


This report will show your transactions divided between your master account codes and account codes. It will list the approved transaction numbers and dollars amounts for the Preauth, Purchase, and Refund transactions as well as the Grand Totals. You can also group this information by affiliate code and by sub affiliate (as noted at the top of the report).




This information is also displayed as a chart:



The transaction summary by account code in table format shows the master account code on the far left and the break down into the separate account codes. Summary information about each is then given. For more detailed information about either the master code or the account code, click on the account code link. An example of master account code: 01001 is shown below.



Here you see just the one master account code. It breaks up the transactions into their status and their types. The page previous simply gave you the type break out, preauth, purchase, and refund. Here under each you can see the status of the transactions.


Grouping by acquisition center, affiliate code, or sub affiliate code will generate a new report page listing the selected group. Below is an example of the Transaction by Account Code for Acquisition Center report.



You can drill further down into the report by clicking on one of the acquisition center names. This will result in a detailed report of that acquisition center. Click the 'Back to Selection List' link to go back and select a different acquisition center.