Reason Codes
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Reason Codes can be used to provide a brief description of the reasons why a Lead record was rejected, why a Customer Event was performed/approved/declined and why a transaction was charged back.
To create a new Reason Code, go to the Lists menu and click on Reason Codes.
Click the New Reason button in the upper right corner.
A new Reason Code record will open.
Use the drop down menu to select the type of reason code you want to create:
Dispostion - Makes this Reason Code an available option in Lead records and in the CB Disposition field located in the Returns tab of Transaction records.
Event - Makes this Reason Code an available option on Customer Events records.
Enter the name of the Reason Code.
Security (Optional)
If you want to limit this Reason Code to one specific Program, use the drop down menu to select a Program. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Enter any miscellaneous details you wish to record about this particular Reason Code.
Click the Save button when you are done.