Google Chrome Security Settings


Security settings within Google Chrome must be configured prior to the first use of an OrangeCRM installation to ensure full access to all of the CRM's enhanced features.


Configuration and setup steps are outlined for Google Chrome in this section. Please see: for information on its security settings.


Note: OrangeCRM requires Google Chrome 15.x or higher. Please ensure that you have the latest version installed. To download Chrome go to:

When you login to OrangeCRM for the first time the following security warning will appear:




Note: We recommend that you never store passwords and that you update or change them frequently for security reasons. You can manage your personal password setting in the screen below.





To change other Google Chrome security settings, go to the Setting tab on the Wrench tool drop down box.





Managing pop-ups:


Google Chrome prevents pop-ups from automatically appearing and cluttering your screen. Whenever the browser blocks pop-ups for a site, the icon appears in the address bar. Click the icon to see the pop-ups that have been blocked or to manage pop-up settings for the site.


To see pop-ups for a specific site


To manually allow pop-ups from a site, follow the steps below:





You can allow all pop-ups by disabling the pop-up blocker. This is the recommended setting. Follow these steps:






In the Hostname Pattern field, type in and then click on the enter. Now, has be added to the pop-up exceptions list.



Adjust images, JavaScript, and other web content settings:


Use the Content Settings dialog to manage the following settings: cookies, images, JavaScript, plug-ins, pop-ups, location sharing, and notifications. Follow the steps below to adjust these settings:


Cookies are files created by web sites you've visited to store browsing information, such as your site preferences or profile information. They're allowed by default. It's important to be aware of your cookie settings because cookies can allow sites to track your navigation during your visit to those sites. Learn more about managing cookies


Images are allowed by default. To prevent images from displaying, select "Do not show any images."


JavaScript is commonly used by web developers to make their sites more interactive. If you choose to disable JavaScript, you may find that some sites don't work properly.